Thanks for joining us on this journey of building a consistent habit of reading our Bibles every day. The Bible reading plan we are using this year can be found here: One Year Bible or here on the Bible app. As always, if you miss a day, don’t feel compelled to go back and catch up. Just skip it and start back on today’s date. I am reading the NLT this year, but feel free to use whatever version you prefer. Now here are some thoughts from today’s readings:
“For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
– Matthew 11:30
Jesus says here that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. For the Jews, each Rabbi (teacher) had a “yoke”. It was basically the collection of his teachings on how to follow the law the correct way. Each Rabbi had disciples that would do their best to follow this yoke, though it was very often difficult to do.
That’s why Jesus’ statement here is so powerful. His way of following the law is easy. It’s not a burden. So if we ever find ourselves crushed under all the things we feel we have to do to be a “good Christian”, we need to stop, relax, and remember that His way isn’t burdensome. If you are finding it to be a burden, it may be we are going about it the wrong way. If you are trying to be good to get close to God, you have it backwards. Get close to God and He will transform you and help you to overcome your issues.
The other problem may be that we have put ourselves under a different yoke than Jesus’. Many people call themselves followers of Christ, but they actually are following some sort of religious figure or religious pattern. When that system or person fails them, in their eyes, God has failed them. Often they end up walking away from God.
Are you under the right “yoke”? Do you need to take your eyes off of the rules and put them back on Jesus? How can you best do that?