Read: John 4
Key Verses: John 4:23-24
Thought: This verse gives us a huge insight into the heart of God. God is looking for a certain type of person, and only that type of person will do. What kind of person is that? A worshiper. Worship is so central to our lives as Christians that God is actually searching for people who worship well!
Do you consider your self a ‘big time’ worshipper? Do you think you worship well? Would others say that worshipping God seems to be very important to you?
Quote: “Surely that which occupies the total time and energies of heaven must be a fitting pattern for earth – Paul E. Billheimer
Prayer: God, please forgive me for not making worship as important to me as it is to You. Please help me to become the kind of worshipper You are searching for. Please lead me into radical, intimate encounters with You this week!