Read: John 4
Key Verses: John 4:23-24
Thought: Now let’s talk about TRUTH. Truth is all about what is real and factual. This is important in worship for two reasons. First, there are times we may not FEEL like worshipping God, but the fact remains that He is worthy and deserves our worship, no matter how we feel. Secondly, TRUE worship is HONEST worship. The best worship you can give God is to tell Him how you really feel. Crying Holy, Holy, Holy is awesome, but even better is telling God why you think He is so holy!
Quote: So many times we stand in the way of really stepping into the secret place of worship with God. Just abandon tradition and the “expected” ways of Praise & Worship and get lost in the holy of holies with the sole intention of blessing the Fathers heart.” – Jessica Leah Springer
Have you ever not given your best in worship because you simply didn’t feel like it? Have you ever taken the time to get passed the religious Christian words we often use in worship and simply tell God how you really feel about Him and why?
Prayer: God please forgive me for ever letting my feelings or circumstances keep me from worshipping you the way you deserve. Please help me to give you the most honest and heartfelt worship I am able to. Please lead me into radical, intimate encounters with You this week!